How to get the data#

This short tutorial explains how to get the dataset and intermediate results necessary to reproduce the results and plots of the Apples with Apples paper.

Downloading the data from Zenodo#

The data is publicly available at Zenodo. Please download and unpack the file: Once unzipped, the directory should contain three subdirectories:

  1. 30_data: This is the raw NACO L’ Beta Pic dataset used in the paper in two versions: betapic_naco_lp_HR.hdf5 the vanilla dataset after pre-processing with PynPoint but with the full temporal resolution. betapic_naco_lp_LR.hdf5 is the same dataset but with reduced resolution in time (temporal binned / averaged). The plots in the paper are calculated for the betapic_naco_lp_HR.hdf5 dataset. But all the code should work (and be much faster) with the lower resolution data.

  2. 70_results: Contains all final and intermediate results.

  3. lookup_tables: Are the lookup tables for the LaplaceBootstrapTest.

Setting up the environmental variable#

Once downloaded, we need to tell applefy where the data is on your local machine. You can do this by setting the following environment variable:

export APPLES_ROOT_DIR="/path/to/datasets/dir" ;

You are ready to go!